Cal Poly AmeriCorps Programs


Large photo left two fellows on the beach, middle photo bottom center three fellows farming, photo on the bottom right  two fellows giving a thumbs up to the camera,title top left "cohort 4 applications open now!", Cal Poly College Corps logo top right

College Corps

three fellows posing in a California Volunteers photobooth

College Corps Fellows 

Check out our Fellow's page, where you can find more information about our program, helpful links, and learn more about the College Corps experience!

Check out our College Corps Fellow's page›

Cohort 4 Application›

A VIP Member and College Corps fellow posing next to tomato plants.

College Corps Community Host Organizations

Check out our CHO Page, where you can find more information about our current host organizations, links to our application to be a host organization, and the role of CHOs in our program.

Check out our Community Host Organization page›

CHO 2025-2026 Application›


Top left AmeriCorps VIP logo, Top right title "Fill out our interest form today!", Bottom left VIP Cohort 2025-26 group photo, Bottom middle VIP member feeding sheep at City Farm SLO, Photo to the right Central California VIP Retreat group photo

AmeriCorps Volunteer Infrastructure Project (VIP)

VIP Cohort 2023 camping trip with members around the bonfire

AmeriCorps VIP Members

Check out our page for more information on the AmeriCorps VIP member experience, partner sites, and benefits of serving with AmeriCorps VIP!

Check out our AmeriCorps VIP Member page›

VIP Member and College Corps members tabling for Cal Poly Green Campus

AmeriCorps VIP Partner Sites

Check out our page for more information about the benefits of hosting a VIP member, the application for being a partner site, and the partner site experience. 

Check out our AmeriCorps Partner Sites page ›



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Go to the Admissions website

Link to the Admissions Website for information on selection criteria, application deadlines, creating your VIP page and more!
